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North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board – 18th January 2023


Report of the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board (NYSAB) Chair


Presented on behalf of Dr Sue Proctor, Chair of the NYSAB



Purpose of report


1.         To present the Annual Report of the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board for 2021/-2022 –


Key background information


2.         Safeguarding Adults Boards are a statutory requirement made upon each Local Authority area in England. They have specific duties and responsibilities to ensure that the partner agencies that meet under the auspices of the Board work together to provide safe, effective, and efficient safeguarding arrangements to those adults most at risk of abuse, neglect and harm living in their areas. The Partnership is made up of a rich mix of both statutory and non-statutory bodies.


3.         As such, the work of the Board links to other strategies and plans that address the wider wellbeing of the residents of North Yorkshire.


2021-22  – Key Messages


4.         The report highlights how partners will come together to implement plans for recovery from Covid. We also reflect on the lessons we have learnt over the past twoyears and how these inform the work of the Board and its partners moving forward.

5.         As a Safeguarding Adults Board, it is our responsibility to ensure that those who are most at risk across North Yorkshire are protected from harm, abuse and neglect and that they are supported through these trying times.

6.         There was a 6% increase in the number of safeguarding concerns raised during 2021 – 22. This increase is by and large due to an increase in referrals from Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS), residential homes and mental health services.


7.         In keeping with Making Safeguarding Personal, of people that did express a desired outcome 75% of these people’s outcomes were fully achieved - 5% higher than last year. This is also 7% above the national average which is 68% in England.


8.         We have worked with the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) to undertake a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) in the 2021 - 22 period.


9.         Work is currently underway to finalise the report ahead of publication in early 2023. There are more details within the body of this report.


10.      We have also commissioned a further two SARs and the findings of these reviews will be published in our 2022-23 Annual Report.


11.      In June 2021, we marked Safeguarding Week by holding an online awareness campaign where we focused on promoting the message Safeguarding Is Everybody’s Business.


12.      Despite the campaign taking place online over 2400 people attended the sessions. Events such as these serve as a reminder of how important it is to engage with the public and communities throughout North Yorkshire, albeit virtually.


13.      We have continued to build on the connections we have with the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership and Community Safety Partnership - particularly through our joint engagement and communications work which you can read about in the report.


14.      In March 2022 the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adult’s Board held a development session dedicated to improving the outcomes for people who are homeless.


15.      The content of this session has been used to inform the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adult Board’s Strategic Priorities for 2022-23 and following this session a number of projects will be piloted to improve safeguarding practice.


16.      We have also had the opportunity to review our work and areas of development as well as look ahead to prepare for wider changes. These include the implementation of the Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS), changes following the Mental Health Act Review, implications of the Local Government Restructure and the introduction of the Integrated Care Systems which replaced the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) on 1st July 2022.


Looking ahead


17.      Our strategic priorities for 2022-23 reflect these areas. They build on the work that has already been carried out by the Board and how we wish to progress over the next years.


18.      At its Development Day in November – the Board held a session focusing on the learning identified during the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to keeping people safe.


19.      Based on the overall feedback from partners; the following areas have been agreed by the Board to inform updates to the existing strategic priorities which will continue into 2022-23:

·                We will reinforce the idea that keeping people safe during a pandemic is everyone’s business.

·                Homelessness will be a priority during 2022-23 for the NYSAB.

·                Identify what dialogue is to be had with Board Members, ICS Board Members, and the Office of Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner to increase engagement with the work of the Board.

·                The NYSAB needs to seek assurance from partners that they are supporting the wellbeing of staff .

·                Create a culture of sharing learning in an open manner.  This should be core to how the SAB functions.


20.      As per our statutory duty, we have since been published our strategic priorities on our website at




21.      Financial implications: There are no direct financial implications arising from this report


22.      Legal Implications: The NYSAB is a statutory body and is required to produce an Annual Report on its work but, aside from this, there are no direct legal implications arising from this report

23.      Equalities Implications: There are no direct equalities implications


24.      Climate Change implications: An initial impact assessment has been undertaken. This indicates that there is no need for a full assessment.




25.   That the Health and Wellbeing Board note the NYSAB Annual Report for 2021-22.


Independent Chair of the NYSAB: Dr Sue Proctor


Report author: Laura Watson, Engagement Development Officer, NYSAB


County Hall, Northallerton

21st December 2022